Sharon’s Game of Ping Pong Wastes US Taxpayer Money; Imperato Speaks Out

November 22, 2005 – West Palm Beach, FL – In a landmark press conference, 2008 Presidential Contender, Daniel Imperato, criticized Ariel Sharon for poor leadership and a lack of dedication towards peace.

“I call on Ariel Sharon and his leadership to stop waffling in the line of fire and to stand firm as a supporter of peace in the region. I will stand out and say that I am very disturbed at the Israeli government and their policy and I am wondering if the government lead by Ariel Sharon is not a leadership of true peace,” stated Imperato.

While Sharon has conceded land and granted passage, Sharon has not expressed to his people a need for peace and harmony amongst Israelis and Palestinians.

Additionally, Sharon has made way for terrorist organizations such as Hamas to not only cross over to the West Bank, but have also paved the way for Hamas to participate in the upcoming elections.

This term was part of the so-called ‘landmark deal’ that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice brokered with Ariel Sharon.

“When I become the leader of the United States and its people I will draw the line in the sand and not take an unnecessary spotlight for a lackluster achievement such as Condoleezza Rice and her so-called great achievement of passage,” asserted Imperato.

What Imperato felt was adding insult to failure was the fact that the Israeli/Palestinian situation is costing American taxpayers billions of dollars per year.

“I stand up for the American people to say that it’s about time that we truly evaluate our stance and financial input behind the Israeli policy and the country of Israel. I believe the United States has been in a ping pong match and is the ball being pinged and ponged. It is time that the United States stands up, and stops the game of ping pong that is continuing to milk billions of dollars from the American people paying taxes.”

Imperato suggested that the leaders were using the mere suggestion of peace as a way to keep the influx of US dollars into the region.

Imperato finished his statement with these powerful remarks, “I call out for the leadership of Israel to show the region and the rest of the world that its time for true peace, and to stop playing games and showing mixed emotions pertaining to its country and its stance. Ariel Sharon, its time you look in the mirror and evaluate your waffling and come to a conclusion to stand firm, draw a line in the sand, and work collectively with the United States and the rest of the world in promoting peace, specifically in your region. “

About Daniel Imperato
Daniel was born and raised in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO.

Daniel has been a resident of West Palm Beach, Fl for over 10 years, and has devoted his time towards many worthwhile causes including our youth, and HIV/AIDS. He has unique value, explosive energy and the ability to achieve what most others cannot. Daniel is also a dedicated businessperson with morals and values that are based on trust and integrity. Presently, he has organized a Presidential Exploratory Committee in order to gauge support for a possible run at the White House in 2008.

***This Release was approved by Imperato For President 2008, the Official Presidential Exploratory Committee for Daniel Imperato.***

For Media Inquiries Contact:
Imperato for President 2008 Exploratory Committee
Press Department

This release was published on openPR.

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