Imperato Honors Our Soldiers on Veteran’s Day

Los Angeles, CA – November 10, 2006 – Today, the leading 2008 Independent Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato, took time to honor our soldiers on Veteran’s Day.

“First of all, I would like to say that if it weren’t for the brave men and women that serve this country, we would not be here to celebrate the freedom that we enjoy everyday. Our soldiers have sacrificed their lives to provide freedom and democracy to this country; and for this we are eternally grateful,” stated Imperato.

Imperato also announced that he will be setting up a program that will directly benefit US soldiers and their families.

“That is why we must honor our soldiers and give them real support. In the short term I will be announcing a special program that I have been setting up to support our soldiers in the armed forces. The program will focus on giving assistance in the areas of finance, education, and prayer.”

Imperato concluded his statement with the following remarks, “I believe in supporting the troops and helping them and their families through these difficult times. Our soldiers travel to foreign lands to protect our freedom and the least we can do is keep them in our prayers and help contribute to their health, welfare, and their future.”

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Daniel Imperato, 2008 Presidential Candidate, Praises USA Today about Afghan Poppy and Explains Oil Theft and Iraq Paid By US Taxpayers

Today, Daniel Imperato, 2008 presidential candidate, praised USA Today about its story on Afghan poppy and explained that oil theft and Iraq are being paid for by US taxpayers
October 25, 2006 – London, UK – Daniel Imperato praised USA Today, while on business in London, for exposing the Afghan opium crisis.

“Today, I praise USA Today for speaking out about the worsening Afghan opium crisis. Mark my words, without eliminating the Afghan poppy crop, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda will never be eliminated. Many times in the past I have called on our President George W. Bush and our administration to wipe out the poppy fields and to break the bank of Osama Bin Laden.”

One of the worst parts of the whole situation according to Imperato, is that all of these activities are being funded by the American taxpayer without much oversight or success.
“I am so taken aback that the United States and her citizens have allowed our tax dollars to be squandered on an administration which sends our troops to Afghanistan to be killed on the front line and to be further depleted by infrastructure development and planning for democracy in Afghanistan. Billions of dollars are being made in the poppy fields by al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the terrorists while the US taxpayer foots the bill.”
Imperato also felt that a public debate was needed for the American citizens to truly see what the administration has been doing.

“I call on the people to support me in my efforts to eliminate the poppy and to debate with our president George W. Bush on the poor execution and planning of the Afghan intervention. We the American people elected President George W. Bush; while I respect him as president I cannot respect the fact that neither he nor his Vice President Dick Cheney or Secretary Condoleezza Rice has any clue what they are doing in Afghanistan.”

“We all know that Condi snubbed George Tenet pertaining to the warning of Al-Qaeda attacking in the US. We all know that Bush, Cheney, and Rice have no military experience or any experience pertaining to military intervention and reorganization of government. The American people elected a president to defend America and to focus on the American issues not to try and rule the world, overtake governments inappropriately, and spend American taxpayer’s money through poor execution and lack of diplomacy.”
The difference between Imperato and current politicians, who have allowed the American position to degrade so much, is a genuine care of the people, which is why he is calling for support.

“In addition, I call on the people of the USA, the taxpayers, to realize that the only difference between me and these politicians is that I’m concerned about Social Security because I’m just like the people of the United States. Our social security system is breaking down and I have a solution but no one in Washington is listening. Please support me by voting for me in the 2008 election.”
In addition, Imperato also felt that Bush is now trying to shift the responsibility of Iraq on the US military leadership.

“Furthermore, the Iraq situation is a complete disaster. Our president, George W. Bush, has now decided to place blame on the military leadership. Now that all of the mistakes have been made, he is saying everything was in their hands and he is just following their recommendations. This admission unfortunately for the people comes a day late and four hundred billion dollars short. Both the Republicans and the Democrats ought to be ashamed of themselves for not only accepting taxpayer’s dollars for their campaigns but for supporting the Iraqi invasion with no merit or planning. Not to mention, the incompatible relationships between the CIA, the military, and Washington which all completely broke down and has become what I feel to be the biggest disaster in US history ever. While billions of dollars of oil are being stolen out of Iraq, the USA and its taxpayers are losing their children and paying the bill.”

Imperato, an American taxpayer, also contended that the American taxpayer will be the big loser when all is said and done.
“Mark my words; this is the time where the USA taxpayer is not only suffering from the loss of their family but the loss in their wallet. While America is paying for infrastructure planning, government planning, military intervention, and everything else in Iraq, we have no repayment plan for the $400 billion from Iraq which I demand from Iraq. We are allowing billions of dollars in oil to be siphoned and stolen out the backdoor to terrorist regimes and to enemies of our soldiers equal to the same scenario in Afghanistan with the poppy.”

To protect the American taxpayer’s investment, Imperato suggested that America destroy the poppy fields in Afghanistan, to stop the flow of money to the terrorists, and to start an oil repayment plan to help repay some of the US costs of war.
Imperato then concluded his statement with the following remarks, “To avoid being too long winded I also state I have a military plan for Iraq that will help our country, our taxpayers, and our citizens, and the citizens of the world. I call on the people of the USA and the rest of the world to call on President George W. Bush, to sit with me face to face in a public debate on the Domestic, Middle Eastern, and World policies and the solutions. I look forward to your support and your vote in the 2008 race so that I can serve the people and revive America.”

Imperato For President 2008
Jonathan Gelpey
(561) 833-4420

About Daniel Imperato (
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

America’s Next President, Daniel Imperato, Independent ticket, Speaks on Rice, Rumsfeld, and Iraq

London, England- October 22, 2006 – In a statement from London, 2008 American Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato, spoke out on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the Shiia situation in Iraq, and US leadership.

While on a global tour, Mr. Imperato has taken the time to address the American people once again with his position on Iraq.

“This statement should serve as a point of reminder from my last message, pertaining to the Korean positioning regarding North Korea’s Kim Jong Il exploding a bomb on the day Ban Ki-Moon became the next Secretary General of the UN. It is obvious that Secretary Rice approves of a diplomatic solution and goes along with China for the setup of UN and World Bank to support the billions that will go to the Koreas and $900-billion-rich China.

Imperato then went on to state the situation going on in Iraq as well as the fact that he has a solution to the current situation.

“Mark my words, once again, pertaining to the following strategy that has been played out in Iraq and mark my words that I, Daniel Imperato, have solutions that are ‘keep it simple and basic’ pertaining to curbing the violence in Iraq, and gaining back control of the Iraq and Afghanistan situation and reviving the respect for the US.”

“Today I will speak about the very simple setup that has been playing out in Iraq. Iraqi leadership, President Maliki, was appointed with the blessing of our Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who by the way is our Secretary of State after all and when diplomacy and war have failed, she should take the same heat that has been coming down on Rumsfeld. Not to mention our President George W. Bush, who knew that Maliki was Shiia. He did not realize the bond between Shiia and Iran and Iraq along with the correlation and respect of the Baath party of Saddam Hussein.”

Imperato felt that once the US puts current events together they will be able to see Iran’s strategy in motion.

“I urge you to remember the recent trip to the United States by previous Iranian leader Khatami, who met with George Bush and mentioned his concern and his dislike of the overall leadership in Iran. He coincidentally arrived in Washington at the same time that the leader of Iraq Maliki made an announcement that if Iraq could not handle the difficulties of its country that it would put up its country basically for international bid to take over. After Khatami’s visit to the US to massage George Bush, Maliki went to Iran to meet with Ahmadinejad. Is there any wonder why? Did two Shiia’s get together and make plans for the first step of Iran’s takeover and Shiia control of Iraq? Is Ahmadinejad outsmarting George Bush by conveniently placing Maliki and Iraq to make friends and represent the US while his true bond was to the Shiia and Ahmadinejad?

“Mark my words; Ahmadinejad has outsmarted the US and the rest of the world because Iran conveniently just took over the Southern city of Amarah, which is the first step of the takeover by Iran with Shiia control and the removal of US troops.

To conclude his statement, Imperato urged Americans to support his efforts for America.

“Bush is bowing to pressure and looks like he’s beginning to look at the cut and run scenario but, I, Daniel Imperato, have a feasible solution to stop the bleeding. I call upon the people to bestow upon me the opportunity to represent the people of the US and the rest of the world before its too late. I also call on the American people to put our Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice under the same scrutiny and fire that our president and secretary of defense are under, after all, she is out playing the diplomatic role for our country, and as far as I’m concerned she has failed to no end.”

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Daniel Imperato, 2008 Independent Presidential Candidate, Speaks out on UN Secretary General-Designate Ban Ki-Moon and North Korea

London England, – October 20, 2006 – Today, 2008 United States Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato, took time to speak out on his position regarding North Korea and the positioning of new UN Secretary-General-Designate Ban Ki-Moon amidst high level business and political meetings.

Imperato first reached out to congratulate Ban Ki-Moon, the new Secretary General, who is slatted to replace Kofi Annan at the beginning of next year, but exhibited concern as to the validity of North Korea’s nuclear test.

“While North Korea plays the nuclear violin, has anybody in our government, especially our leader George W. Bush, figured out that North Korea’s nuke program and so-called nuclear test would have been a devastating blow to the region if in fact it was a very serious nuclear test?”

“From reports, I believe that the test was minor and the air samples that turned up nuclear specimens may have been put in the air deliberately by North Korea.
According to the Washington Post, a senior U.S. official suggested there is concern about the stability of North Korea. “A lot of us are wondering what is going on,” the official said, adding that it did not make sense for North Korea to test a weapon in defiance of China, its main benefactor.
Imperato believed that North Korea was strategically positioning itself with the United Nations.

“I stand up today to tell the people of the USA and the world exactly what is going on. Kim Jong Il specifically tested his so-called nuclear weapons on a very convenient day pertaining to the announcement of Ban Ki-Moon as Secretary General. This will amount to what I believe will be an elaborate manipulation by the mastermind of intimidation, Kim Jong Il, playing chess with the UN and the rest of the world. The fact is that Kim Jung Il knows that South Korea will play along with his game.”
In Seoul on Thursday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pressed the South Korean government to fully implement the U.N. sanctions, but she encountered reluctance among officials who fear that tough action could lead to increased tensions and even war.
According to Imperato, he felt that there was more to the story.
“Mark my words that time will tell the secrets of this story. Kim Jong Il sees his South Korean neighbor being appointed Secretary General as an opportunity for a point of exploitation. Kim Jong Il’s nuclear threats turn the world’s attention on his every move. He is positioning himself to milk the UN for billions of dollars through future peace negotiations between his neighbors South Korea and China, who have a greater interest in a peaceful region and now hold far more weight in the UN.”

Imperato suggested that by influencing the new Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, to be manipulated and forced to allocate billions of dollars from the UN in exchange for “what will amount to be a mirage of a peaceful solution”, Kim Jong-il is only positioning for huge sums of money to come his way.

In addition, Imperato called on the Bush Administration as well as the rest of the world to play a more active role in the situation.

“I believe that we the people of the United States deserve a president that will pay serious attention to the ping pong game and the juggling that is taking place. The people deserve a president that will protect against the jeopardizing and altering of the American democracy.”

“I would address the situation with the leaders Hu Jintao of China, Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea, and Junichiro Koizumi of Japan, because after all, the closest neighbors are at the greatest threat and its time that they stand up and defend the interests of the world on behalf of the USA and the rest of the world without giving into North Korea’s demands. I specifically call on China to step up to the plate and to prove to the world that they are a superpower and a strength in the region that will cooperate against those that are jeopardizing the stability of the world.”

Also, Imperato wanted our administration to start telling the truth regarding situations like North Korea and Iraq.

“As the People’s President for 2008, I believe that it is time we protect the people and tell the truth. There is also specific information regarding Iraq that I will discuss at a later date that will divulge scenarios that could bring stability to the region.”

“I call on Bush to meet me in a debate or in a private setting to discuss the diplomatic and intelligence points that need to be exposed in order to calm down the situation that we, the USA, have been exposed to pertaining to North Korea, Iran, and Iraq.”

Imperato also did not want the US to forget about al-Qaeda and the intertwining of Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as “a major squeeze on the USA and the rest of the world.”

Imperato then concluded his remarks with the following, “I look forward to the opportunity in the near future to address these issues. If I don’t get that opportunity, I call on the people to support me in the 2008 debates and to bring me to the faces of the people and the light of the world to debate the issues. America needs to see me debate face-to-face with our administration, leaders around the world, and the people who are responsible in our government who take inappropriate diplomatic steps that have proven to put us the US citizens in serious jeopardy around the globe.”

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato For President 2008 Releases Brooks and Refocuses on Campaign Finance and National Campaign Effort

West Palm Beach, FL – October 16, 2006 – Today the Imperato For President 2008 Campaign announced that it has released Webster Brooks from its 2008 ticket and is refocusing the campaign on building a national team and campaign finance.

“A strategic decision has been made in the Imperato For President 2008 campaign has been made to focus on campaign finance. Ballot Access is not possible in almost 90% of all states, and most states do not become ballot access active until January 2008.”

Initially, Webster Brooks was brought on the Imperato For President 2008 team for ballot access purposes when the campaign learned that some states require both a President and a Vice Presidential candidate on a ballot access petition.

Imperato will be looking for a new candidate between now and 2008.

“To run as an independent and have a serious chance at winning, you must be of the caliber of Ross Perot, the only person to date that had a serious chance of winning the White House seat. The fact is Webster Brooks was not up to the arduous task of running for the Vice Presidential seat. It takes a lot to run a national campaign, and compete in the national forum for this position.”

The decision from the Imperato for President 2008 camp was based upon performance and the counsel of advisors and businesspeople that surround Daniel Imperato.

“Based upon the advice of my advisors and businesspeople that I am in contact with, I felt this was the correct decision for the campaign. The people of the United States of America deserve a strong campaign for 2008 and need a viable option to revive America.

While Imperato wishes Brooks the best, he wanted the people to know that his goal is still clear, An Independent America for the White House in 2008.

“We wish Mr. Brooks all of the best. He has gone off to Louisiana to tend to his elderly parents who are in need of his care. In addition, he has begun writing a novel on black slavery. We hope Mr. Brooks will find success in his future endeavors, but for now we are focusing on 2008 and White House seat.”

Imperato concluded his statement with the following, “Over the next two years, we will be building a national and international team to support the campaign for 2008. To win as an independent you must be strong and must have the support of all the people. We will be selecting a strong Vice Presidential candidate in the upcoming months, someone who can bring added strength to the team. I have a responsibility to the people of the United States of America, a responsibility that I take very seriously.”

For Press Inquires Contact:

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato for President 2008 Adds Campaign Coordinator

West Palm Beach, FL – October 9, 2006 – Today, Imperato for President 2008 announced that it has named Jonathan Gelpey as a campaign coordinator.

Most recently, Gelpey was named the Vice President of International Business Development at Imperiali Inc. a global business development company with diversified interests and holdings. He completed his Bachelors Degree in Business Management at the prestigious Babson College in Boston, MA. where he concentrated in the Entrepreneurship department. The Arthur Blank Center for Entrepreneurship is internationally recognized as the top Entrepreneurship program in the world.

This move will enable Mr. Gelpey to incorporate his talents for motivating people and rallying groups. He is connected to the youth and this will help Imperato to reach one of his core constituencies. Gelpey will be operating out of the West Palm Beach Headquarters, and Boston/New England area.

Gelpey’s responsibilities as the new Campaign Coordinator will include online voter marketing and identification, identifying new volunteers, securing new lines of support on Mr. Imperato’s behalf, and working closely with other coordinators in ensuring the success of Imperato for President 2008.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Beverly Hills Businesswoman Endorses Imperato For President 2008

Los Angeles – October 6, 2006 – Today Beverly Hills Businesswoman, Elizabeth J. Sampson CFP, endorsed Daniel Imperato for his United States presidential bid in 2008.

Sampson has extensive experience in the areas of corporate advisory, wealth management, and healthcare solutions, and has built a successful national base of clientele.

For Press Inquires Contact:
Imperato for President 2008

“Daniel Imperato is a good man. He is a joy to meet with and I see his vision for our country. He has compassion for the health of all Americans, and compassion for the future of our nation. I am honored to be able to assist him in any way possible,” stated Sampson.

Sampson has also been named as an advisor to Imperato for President 2008 and will be actively serving the campaign.

About Daniel Imperato, Presidential Candidate, (
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( ).
***The Official Communications Provider for Imperato For President 2008 is Imperiali Organization, ***

This release was published on openPR.

Hong Kong, China, and US from the Imperato Point of View

Hong Kong – After meetings with his international political advisors, 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato of Imperato Brooks 2008 addressed relations between the US, China, and Hong Kong.

Imperato first commented on the Chinese takeover of Hong Kong from the British, which occurred in 1997.

“While the Chinese people initially concerned with China taking over Hong Kong, I believe today that life is normal. The people are working diligently towards the economic growth in mainland China and the increased strength of Hong Kong as a partner in the development of the region. The Chinese people are people of long-term vision, strength, peace, harmony, and mutual respect for all.

According to Imperato, the Chinese Government has maintained the strength and economic viability of Hong Kong and has proceeded forward to maintain the managerial aspects of Hong Kong in a similar fashion that the English did.

In his words, “the takeover of Hong Kong has proven to be, at this point, a smooth one and the economy of Hong Kong is very viable.”

However, with recent booms in the economies of China and Hong Kong, the United States has not enjoyed strong relations with both entities.

Imperato called on President George W. Bush to keep in mind his inexperience in the region, and to stop giving orders to the Chinese who are tired of Bush’s lack of diplomacy.

Due to the strained relations, China has looked inward for economic strength.

“While they respect the people of the US and have great respect for the country, they realize that their strength is in their own economy and dealing with their people. So they are now focusing on building the infrastructure and the manufacturing capability to increase the viability of product sales and distribution around the globe with Chinese products. I feel that the United States of America is at a great disadvantage not only because of the labor cost but because our administration has shun the Chinese leader Jintao,” stated Imperato.

As a result of the lack of diplomacy, US policy for China has no weight, and the administration has little influence in the region.

“There has been recent news pertaining to the building up of the Chinese military, and our Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is not happy with it. I feel that the Chinese have the right to do as they wish and to build their country in accordance with their desire. I do not believe that the US has the right to demand China to do anything other than to maintain a peaceful relationship with United States and the rest of the world,” expressed Imperato.

Excessive demands by our government, in Imperato’s estimation, will “push China against the wall and cause greater strain.”

That’s why in an Imperato Presidency, relations with China will change.

“I come out to state that when I become president in 2008, that I will increase the relations with China and have a mutual respect and understanding of the philosophy of their customs,” explained Imperato.

Imperato also commented on increasing trade ties in between US, China, and Hong Kong, as well as upgrading US manufacturing infrastructure to meet up with global need and high quality standards.

He concluded his statement with the following remarks, “The Chinese at this point have it all; they have cash, low wages, resources, and basically have positioned themselves to capitalize on the global economy through the strengthening of their own capabilities as a superpower. The United States needs to understand the Chinese culture, mentality and needs to work towards mutually respectful, peaceful relations with Jintao and his leadership. I look forward to taking on that task for 2008.”

About Daniel Imperato, Presidential Candidate, (
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

About Webster Brooks, Vice Presidential Candidate
Webster Brooks was born in Colorado (1956) to an Army family and was raised in Detroit. In Detroit, Brooks saw the pride and spirit of Middle America growing up in a town that was heavily influenced by the auto industry and Motown music. Twenty Four years later, he ran for Mayor of Washington DC in 1990 as independent, and then worked with many democrats, republicans and independent in politics. In 2002, Brooks’ organization, The National Black Republican Network, became the most popular public forum for Black conservatives and Republicans, but included independents as well. Brooks was named as one of ‘The 20 Most Influential Black Conservatives’ by Headway Magazine and an ‘Intellectual Tour de Force’ by the Detroit News. During this time, Brooks chaired the National Congress of Black Conservatives and the National Black Coalition for School Choice. He currently resides in Hartford, CT with his loving family.

For Press Inquires Contact:
Imperato For President

This release was published on openPR.

Condolences to the Reeve family for the loss of Dana Reeve

West Palm Beach, FL – March 8, 2006 – Yesterday, Dana Reeve, 44, the widow of Christopher Reeve, died at New York’s Sloan-Kettering Medical Center, after a much publicized bout with lung cancer. After learning of the news 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato ( sent his condolences.

“My personal condolence goes out to the Reeve family. I am deeply saddened by the tragic death of Ms. Reeve especially in light of the fact that Mr. Reeves was an outstanding person and had such a tragic accident that lead to his difficult and stressful life that he fought for everyday,” stated Imperato.

Reeve was much admired for her strength, both in her home life and her political activism.

“My hat goes off to the late Ms. Reeve for her courage and strength keeping their family together. I also would like to point out that Ms. Reeve’s strength enabled the late Mr. Reeve to prolong his life. It is sad to see the late Ms. Reeves life taken by lung cancer. I hope and pray that our doctors and scientists can come up with better cures for this horrible disease.”

The Reeves were actors who met in summer stock at the Williamstown Theatre Festival, nestled in the Berkshires in western Massachusetts. She appeared on stage in New York and on television shows including “Law & Order.” The couple married and had a son, Will, now 13. The family also had Dana’s two grown stepchildren, Matthew and Alexandra.

Imperato felt that it was the children, especially, Will, who needed our support now.

“Most important at this point is that their children are in grace and comforted during this tragic time that is life. I come out to give my condolence and my special support for the children, especially Will, the young man who has gone through difficult times with the loss of his mom and dad and hope and pray that he finds the strength to deal with the problems of the past and present. My desire for him is to become stronger as an individual as he grows up and that this terrible tragedy does not alter his future life by disturbing his mental state at such a young age.”

“This young man has gone through something that not many of us have gone through. I hope and pray that his friends and family recognize this young boy’s bravery and embrace him and comfort him through this difficult time.”

Dana and Christopher Reeve began the Christopher Reeve Foundation, which helps to fund research for spinal cord injuries. Christopher Reeve, best known for his role as Superman, was paralyzed after falling from a horse in 1995. He died in October, 2004.

In addition to her son and stepchildren, she is survived by her father, Dr. Charles Morosini, and sisters Deborah Morosini and Adrienne Morosini Heilman.

The family said donations could be made in Dana Reeve’s memory to the Christopher Reeve Foundation, 636 Morris Turnpike, Short Hills, N.J. 07078. To learn more, go to

About Daniel Imperato (
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President

This release was published on openPR.

Bush Administration and the South American Triangle Area: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay

West Palm Beach, FL – March 8, 2006 – Today, 2008 White House Contender sent a message the US administration regarding South America’s Triangle area of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

“In the past I have called on our administration and George W. Bush to pay keen attention to our South American neighbors. Recent events in Argentina have brought me to this press release. In my past years I have made recommendations relating to strengthening relations with South America specifically after the attacks on 9/11,” stated Imperato.

With terrorism moving to a global stage, terrorist organizations, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, have started to expand their influence globally.

“This situation now has grown almost out of hand. There are reports pertaining to terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas searching for additional funds in South America in areas such as Argentina. This brings tremendous heartache for me as an individual who has spent a lot of time in the region. Most importantly it could bring devastating results from the support of these organizations from our neighboring countries and long term repercussions with these types of organizations getting closer to our back door,” explained Imperato.

Imperato called on the nations of the region and their intelligence agencies to work together to address the terrorist situation.

“I call on our administration and President George W. Bush to move rapidly with relations to South America and to work closely with their government and intelligence agencies pertaining to security and security identification and infrastructure systems pertaining to banking money transfer and social security identification programs,” expressed Imperato.

The infiltration of South America by terrorist groups has alarmed Imperato, who has constantly made recommendations to curb these potential problems.

“This disturbing information pertaining to hundreds of millions of dollars being extracted from the South American region and being put in the hands of terrorist organizations, has been going on for many years. Once again I stand up to reiterate the fact that I personally made recommendations to our administration in the past regarding these potential problems that are now existing that could have been curbed,” said Imperato.

“I hope and pray that our administration doesn’t take this lightly and that there is a grave endangerment that may be confronting us in South America. Moreover the activity between the South American Triangle region and furthering the relations with the new regimes in Central America are heightening my personal concern about our neighbor,”

Imperato called for an Americas Summit in order to address some of these problems.

“Our administration must take immediate action and I believe that a summit should be called in the Americas. I believe that our relations with our South American neighbors ought to be discussed diplomatically and repaired immediately before this situation gets out of control,” contended Imperato.

As his goal for 2008, Imperato promised change for US relations in the region.

“When I become president in 2008, I can assure you that I will address these issues fast and collectively. I believe in long term capital gains that could be had within our continents and believe that our country and our administrations has been lax in that area,” expressed Imperato.

Imperato also wanted to address how important Hispanics are to this country.

“I stand up to say once again that the Spanish language is the number 2 language in the USA, and the Spanish people have supported our economy and the strength of our country. We need to give back to the Spanish American and support the democratic desires of the Central and South American-US citizens by collectively working with their own cultures in order to influence their neighboring countries utilizing their diplomacy and their relationships in country in order to stabilize South and Central America,” explained Imperato.

Imperato concluded his statement with the following remarks, “We also must not forget our Caribbean islands and must recognize immediately that relationships with this part of the world are urgent and we must call on our Central and South American- US citizens, and our partners in the region to beef up security, utilize diplomacy, and engage in peaceful relationships with our neighbors.”

About Daniel Imperato (
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

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Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.