Daniel Imperato, 2008 Independent Presidential Candidate, Speaks out on UN Secretary General-Designate Ban Ki-Moon and North Korea

London England, – October 20, 2006 – Today, 2008 United States Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato, took time to speak out on his position regarding North Korea and the positioning of new UN Secretary-General-Designate Ban Ki-Moon amidst high level business and political meetings.

Imperato first reached out to congratulate Ban Ki-Moon, the new Secretary General, who is slatted to replace Kofi Annan at the beginning of next year, but exhibited concern as to the validity of North Korea’s nuclear test.

“While North Korea plays the nuclear violin, has anybody in our government, especially our leader George W. Bush, figured out that North Korea’s nuke program and so-called nuclear test would have been a devastating blow to the region if in fact it was a very serious nuclear test?”

“From reports, I believe that the test was minor and the air samples that turned up nuclear specimens may have been put in the air deliberately by North Korea.
According to the Washington Post, a senior U.S. official suggested there is concern about the stability of North Korea. “A lot of us are wondering what is going on,” the official said, adding that it did not make sense for North Korea to test a weapon in defiance of China, its main benefactor.
Imperato believed that North Korea was strategically positioning itself with the United Nations.

“I stand up today to tell the people of the USA and the world exactly what is going on. Kim Jong Il specifically tested his so-called nuclear weapons on a very convenient day pertaining to the announcement of Ban Ki-Moon as Secretary General. This will amount to what I believe will be an elaborate manipulation by the mastermind of intimidation, Kim Jong Il, playing chess with the UN and the rest of the world. The fact is that Kim Jung Il knows that South Korea will play along with his game.”
In Seoul on Thursday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pressed the South Korean government to fully implement the U.N. sanctions, but she encountered reluctance among officials who fear that tough action could lead to increased tensions and even war.
According to Imperato, he felt that there was more to the story.
“Mark my words that time will tell the secrets of this story. Kim Jong Il sees his South Korean neighbor being appointed Secretary General as an opportunity for a point of exploitation. Kim Jong Il’s nuclear threats turn the world’s attention on his every move. He is positioning himself to milk the UN for billions of dollars through future peace negotiations between his neighbors South Korea and China, who have a greater interest in a peaceful region and now hold far more weight in the UN.”

Imperato suggested that by influencing the new Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, to be manipulated and forced to allocate billions of dollars from the UN in exchange for “what will amount to be a mirage of a peaceful solution”, Kim Jong-il is only positioning for huge sums of money to come his way.

In addition, Imperato called on the Bush Administration as well as the rest of the world to play a more active role in the situation.

“I believe that we the people of the United States deserve a president that will pay serious attention to the ping pong game and the juggling that is taking place. The people deserve a president that will protect against the jeopardizing and altering of the American democracy.”

“I would address the situation with the leaders Hu Jintao of China, Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea, and Junichiro Koizumi of Japan, because after all, the closest neighbors are at the greatest threat and its time that they stand up and defend the interests of the world on behalf of the USA and the rest of the world without giving into North Korea’s demands. I specifically call on China to step up to the plate and to prove to the world that they are a superpower and a strength in the region that will cooperate against those that are jeopardizing the stability of the world.”

Also, Imperato wanted our administration to start telling the truth regarding situations like North Korea and Iraq.

“As the People’s President for 2008, I believe that it is time we protect the people and tell the truth. There is also specific information regarding Iraq that I will discuss at a later date that will divulge scenarios that could bring stability to the region.”

“I call on Bush to meet me in a debate or in a private setting to discuss the diplomatic and intelligence points that need to be exposed in order to calm down the situation that we, the USA, have been exposed to pertaining to North Korea, Iran, and Iraq.”

Imperato also did not want the US to forget about al-Qaeda and the intertwining of Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as “a major squeeze on the USA and the rest of the world.”

Imperato then concluded his remarks with the following, “I look forward to the opportunity in the near future to address these issues. If I don’t get that opportunity, I call on the people to support me in the 2008 debates and to bring me to the faces of the people and the light of the world to debate the issues. America needs to see me debate face-to-face with our administration, leaders around the world, and the people who are responsible in our government who take inappropriate diplomatic steps that have proven to put us the US citizens in serious jeopardy around the globe.”

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Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (www.daniel2008.com)

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization (www.imperiali.org). Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

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