Presidential Hopeful Imperato comments on India and Recent Terrorist Attacks

November 4, 2005 – West Palm Beach, FL – Today 2008 Presidential Hopeful, Daniel Imperato commented on the recent events in India.

“First of all my condolences go to all of the families affected by this terrible terrorist activity and I give my support for the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, and a special condolence if in fact any of the family members of Rattan Tata family or the Lyla Athide families have been personally affected.”

Imperato, during his 30 years of global business experience, has been involved with many projects in the region.

“I’ve had a great pleasure and honor of doing business in the country of India, and have a lot of respect for the Indian people and their courage for struggling everyday with an environment that was so far behind modern times pertaining to infrastructure and transportation, but still had the courage to fight their way up the ladder and to become recognized as a global player in several industries,” commented Imperato.

Recently, we have seen terrorist attacks of this nature occur in London and Spain, and now India.

“It only goes to show you that the terrorist organizations are spread out all over the world and are reaching out to attack countries with less security infrastructure than the United States of America,” said Imperato.

Due to the strength of India’s telecommunications engineers and software developers, Imperato felt that India should be able to overcome future targeted attacks by utilizing the latest and greatest in security communications and infrastructure.

“I hope one day I have the opportunity to work hand in hand with the Indian government in assisting them with their global vision and desire to become a more economically stable country and of course now, more secure,” expressed Imperato, who has advised governments around the world on many issues including security.

Imperato went on to finish his statement the following remarks, “While doing business in India, I found the people to be some of the most simplistic, peaceful, down-to-earth, caring citizens. I hope and pray that they come through this disaster like a shining star and wish that the people of this wonderful country will not have to experience additional terrorist attacks because I have faith in the Indian Government and companies like the Tata group to come up with measures to protect their citizens.”

About Daniel Imperato
Daniel was born and raised in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO.

Daniel has been a resident of West Palm Beach, Fl for over 10 years, and has devoted his time towards many worthwhile causes including our youth, and HIV/AIDS. He has unique value, explosive energy and the ability to achieve what most others cannot. Daniel is also a dedicated businessperson with morals and values that are based on trust and integrity. Presently, he has organized a Presidential Exploratory Committee in order to gauge support for a possible run at the White House in 2008.

***This Release was approved by Imperato For President 2008, the Official Presidential Exploratory Committee for Daniel Imperato.***

For Media Inquiries Contact:
Imperato for President 2008 Exploratory Committee
Press Department
Imperato for President Website

This release was published on openPR.

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