Presidential Hardliner Imperato Asks America about Looks and Pocketbooks

West Palm Beach – February 26, 2007 – Today 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato pointed out the barrage of media coverage for Democrat and Republican Presidential Candidates, but not for Independents.

“Its time that the American people stand up and demand that Washington reforms ballot access guidelines, to enable an independent president to place himself on the ballot to run for the White House. It also may be time for the people to elect our president directly in a national popular vote and not an electoral vote.”

Imperato encouraged the American people to look at the substance behind the Democrats and Republicans and not just at the flashy media appearances.

“People of the United States, don’t be fooled by looks, because they only run skin deep. You need to look inside these presidential candidates and take their temperature. Look at their background. Look at what they’ve achieved, and analyze their ability to change course for the United States, and its people. Would you put your children’s lives in the hands of these candidates?”

“Beauty is only skin deep. You can’t judge a man’s success through his wallet. Forget the pocketbook and stop giving money to the ‘polished-ticians’, the same Democrats and Republicans that spend freely with no solution in sight. Don’t vote for pocketbooks or good looks. Vote for substance. Vote for leadership that you, the American people would bet your children’s lives on.”

In addition, Imperato felt that the American people should support him so that we can move the election process beyond the high spending and planned appearances, to give political access to all.

“This country, and its election process, have become about good looks and large pocketbooks. I say ask yourself, who is your president, or who is your next president? I ask the American people to save their money, and to give me their vote. Help me get ballot access in the USA through going to my website, and to register as an independent voter.

Imperato also pointed to America’s rising national debt, and one of the more notable Americans who tried to do something about it, Ross Perot.

“I also have requested the nomination of the Reform Party, the party which was driven by Ross Perot. The facts are clear and the solutions are there. However, it takes leaders to draw the line in the sand, look at the facts, and bring solutions. Ross Perot told his country that America’s debt was climbing. At that time it was $4.5 trillion and he told America that they must listen. The country didn’t listen and now we are $9 trillion in debt, double the amount.”

“In addition Ross Perot laid out for the American people a clear fact and understanding of the future of America’s corporate world sending our jobs overseas, creating further difficultly because of the loss of jobs in this country. Ross Perot was right.”

Finishing his remarks, Imperato reminded America that this election shouldn’t be about big spending and ‘polished-ticians’, but about creating a better world and a Better America for 2008.

“I, Daniel Imperato, have committed myself to bring Ross Perot’s message back. So please, people of the United States, don’t go for the looks and the pocketbooks. Go for the facts and the solutions. Come to my website ( and see for yourself. I welcome you to evaluate who your next president is, or will be. What substance does that person bring to the White House? What leadership skills does that person possess to lead the free world? I’m for a better world and specifically a better America.”

“Forget the looks. Vote for the best and forget the rest. In my opinion, the best is someone that knows fact and solutions, someone that acts quickly and gains respect from the entire global community. America needs someone to prove to the people on chart, like Ross Perot did, why the American people should vote for their next president. In my opinion, I should be looked at very seriously because I am the one to draw lines in sand, based on facts and solution.”

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

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Imperato For President 2008

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