Presidential Candidate and Newly Ordained LACA Chaplain Imperato Calls on Mayor Bloomberg for Support

New York – March 13, 2007 – Today 2008 Presidential Candidate and newly ordained LACA (Latin/African American Chaplain’s Association) Chaplain, Daniel Imperato called on media mogul and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for support.
The Latin/African American Chaplain’s Association, recently announced that they are in need of $65k and has appealed for 6500 people around the world to donate $10 to keep their doors open.
The Organization, which is headed up by Bishop Fernando Rodriguez, held a service last night with clergy and pastors from all over New York City to pray for the survival of the organization.
Also present at that service was 2008 Presidential Candidate who was the only Presidential Candidate that traveled to the South Bronx to support the group and recognize all of the good work that they have done in the community.
In response to Imperato’s support for LACA and passion for the cause, the organization ordained him as a Chaplain in the spirit of goodwill and community support.
Now Imperato is calling on members of the New York community, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg to help this local community group.

“I humbly call out to Mayor Michael Bloomberg to support this great group of people. Here is a group that performed a great service not only to New York City, but to our country. They helped the victims cope with the traumatic effects of 9/11, and now help the local New York community with youth education, job placement, as well as counseling for policemen and firemen. New York needs to support this organization, and that support should start with New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg,” stated Imperato.

Currently, L.A.C.A. has 3000 chaplains in their worldwide network, over with over 1200 in the New York City area. They work with the Police Department and Fire Departments, as well as with correctional and rehabilitation programs, to provide personal and spiritual support concerning, stress, anxiety, grief, depression and other life issues. Their newest programs address job placement, New York City and State alternative sentencing programs, and GED education.

For those wishing to donate to LACA please send all checks to LACA, 1112 Garrison Avenue, Bronx, NY 10474. LACA is also available by telephone, 718-842-8555, and via the world wide web at, .
About Daniel Imperato (

About Daniel Imperato ( )

Daniel Imperato was born in Boston, Massachusetts (1958). He began his business career in 1977, transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace, along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development, and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, a Knight of the Orden Bonaria, and an ordained Chaplain for the Latin/African American Chaplains Association. Presently, he has decided to seek the office of President of the United States as an Independent candidate for 2008.

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Imperato For President 2008

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