Imperato on Manchin and West Virginia Coal Mining

January 23, 2006 – Today, 2008 Presidential Contender Daniel Imperato ( spoke out about the recent tragedies that occurred in the West Virginia mines.

“My condolences go out to all of the families who have suffered casualties and loss of life because of the mine accidents. I am proud to say that I fully support Governor Joe Manchin with his sincere interest to protect his people,” stated Imperato.

Two miners trapped in a West Virginia coal mine that had caught fire were found dead on Saturday, and officials, led by Governor Joe Manchin, were also angered by 12 other mine deaths this month, and vowed to make the industry safer.

“I support Governor Joe Manchin and the people of West Virginia,” expressed Imperato. “I hope that he’s able to achieve upgrading safety measures such as communications connectivity, GPS, and oxygen units that will provide the miners additional security. These items should be provided immediately before another miner goes to work.”

In addition to those technology measures, Imperato also suggested that some mines should be shut down because of their age and natural unsafe condition.

“I would like to make one recommendation to Governor Manchin that in addition to upgrading his security measures he should also look at the age of the mines and the life of those mines,” asserted Imperato.

Concluding his statement, Imperato finished with the following remarks, “Watching Governor Joe Manchin brought tears to my eyes and made me feel as if I was one of those families. It must be an unbearable and unthinkable feeling that these families are going through. I support Joe and hope these accidents stop in the name of our God.”

About Daniel Imperato
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO.

Daniel has been a resident of West Palm Beach, Fl for over 10 years, and has devoted his time towards many worthwhile causes including our youth, and HIV/AIDS. He has unique value, explosive energy and has the ability to achieve what most others cannot. Daniel is also a dedicated honorable businessperson with morals and values that are based on trust and integrity. Presently, he has organized a Presidential Exploratory Committee in order to gauge support for a possible run at the White House in 2008.

***This Release was approved by Imperato For President 2008, the Official Presidential Exploratory Committee for Daniel Imperato.***

For Press Inquires Contact:
Dan Mangru

This release was published on openPR.

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