Dubai Ports World, Arab Civility and Who’s Behind the Deal

West Palm Beach, FL – March 1, 2006 – Today, 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato spoke out about Dubai Ports World and the recent Arab show of civility towards the recent controversy over the British P&O buyout.

“Once again the Middle East and the Arab people show their customs in allowing our president George W. Bush and our administration the time necessarily to complete the necessary investigations pertaining to the ports deal. This is a typical Arab gesture which is in accordance with mutual respect for leadership. This clearly shows the world the class of the UAE government to utilize diplomacy and courteousness with their eloquent gesture,” stated Imperato.

Recently Dubai Ports World offered to allow further review to alleviate US legislators’ national security concerns about handing management of the ports to a company owned by the Dubai government.

“Upon receipt of the new notification, CFIUS (the committee on foreign investment in the US) will promptly initiate the review process, and fulfill DP World’s request for a full investigation,” the agency said at the weekend.

The request, made with the US unit of UK Company Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation (P&O), gives the White House time to convince congress not to block the $6.85bn deal.

“We are confident the further review … will confirm DP World’s acquisition of P&O’s US operations does not pose any threat to America’s safety and security,” said Ted Bilkey, chief operating officer of DP World.

Imperato felt that whether DP World or any other company was running the ports, security needed to be upgraded. jjj

“In addition,” Imperato said, “the real issue here is not whether the British owned P&O Company who has allowed our ports and their security to go downhill, and if in fact the potential security breach that is being questioned is related to Dubai Ports Takeover of P&O. I would like to stand up to tell the American people and our administration that the security of the ports whether owned by P&O or Dubai ports must increase drastically and be upgraded to today’s standards, no matter who owns P&O.”

However, despite the positive cooperation of DP World, Imperato felt that the US Government should have assisted an American company to finance the acquisition of P&O so that “our American people can operate the ports, our homeland security can be part of the operation and we can increase jobs for the American people. We could control our security and be proud that our American company took control of the P&O Company and puts back the American brand on our ports.”

Imperato concluded his remarks with the following, “I particularly would like to ask the people of the United States of America to lean on our administration and our president George W. Bush to reveal the facts about the preexisting arrangement and that, in this case, the devil may be in the detail. The multimillion dollar question is who is behind the ports deal? What lobby firm worked on behalf of the deal? And who was associated in positioning Dubai Ports to Take over P&O.”

About Daniel Imperato (
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO.

Daniel has been a resident of West Palm Beach, Fl for over 10 years, and has devoted his time towards many worthwhile causes including our youth, and HIV/AIDS. He has unique value, explosive energy and has the ability to achieve what most others cannot. Daniel is also a dedicated honorable businessperson with morals and values that are based on trust and integrity. Presently, he has organized a Presidential Exploratory Committee in order to gauge support for a possible run at the White House in 2008.

***This Release was approved by Imperato For President 2008, the Official Presidential Exploratory Committee for Daniel Imperato.***

For Press Inquires Contact:
Will Brandecker

This release was published on openPR.

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