Presidential Hardliner Imperato Asks America about Looks and Pocketbooks

West Palm Beach – February 26, 2007 – Today 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato pointed out the barrage of media coverage for Democrat and Republican Presidential Candidates, but not for Independents.

“Its time that the American people stand up and demand that Washington reforms ballot access guidelines, to enable an independent president to place himself on the ballot to run for the White House. It also may be time for the people to elect our president directly in a national popular vote and not an electoral vote.”

Imperato encouraged the American people to look at the substance behind the Democrats and Republicans and not just at the flashy media appearances.

“People of the United States, don’t be fooled by looks, because they only run skin deep. You need to look inside these presidential candidates and take their temperature. Look at their background. Look at what they’ve achieved, and analyze their ability to change course for the United States, and its people. Would you put your children’s lives in the hands of these candidates?”

“Beauty is only skin deep. You can’t judge a man’s success through his wallet. Forget the pocketbook and stop giving money to the ‘polished-ticians’, the same Democrats and Republicans that spend freely with no solution in sight. Don’t vote for pocketbooks or good looks. Vote for substance. Vote for leadership that you, the American people would bet your children’s lives on.”

In addition, Imperato felt that the American people should support him so that we can move the election process beyond the high spending and planned appearances, to give political access to all.

“This country, and its election process, have become about good looks and large pocketbooks. I say ask yourself, who is your president, or who is your next president? I ask the American people to save their money, and to give me their vote. Help me get ballot access in the USA through going to my website, and to register as an independent voter.

Imperato also pointed to America’s rising national debt, and one of the more notable Americans who tried to do something about it, Ross Perot.

“I also have requested the nomination of the Reform Party, the party which was driven by Ross Perot. The facts are clear and the solutions are there. However, it takes leaders to draw the line in the sand, look at the facts, and bring solutions. Ross Perot told his country that America’s debt was climbing. At that time it was $4.5 trillion and he told America that they must listen. The country didn’t listen and now we are $9 trillion in debt, double the amount.”

“In addition Ross Perot laid out for the American people a clear fact and understanding of the future of America’s corporate world sending our jobs overseas, creating further difficultly because of the loss of jobs in this country. Ross Perot was right.”

Finishing his remarks, Imperato reminded America that this election shouldn’t be about big spending and ‘polished-ticians’, but about creating a better world and a Better America for 2008.

“I, Daniel Imperato, have committed myself to bring Ross Perot’s message back. So please, people of the United States, don’t go for the looks and the pocketbooks. Go for the facts and the solutions. Come to my website ( and see for yourself. I welcome you to evaluate who your next president is, or will be. What substance does that person bring to the White House? What leadership skills does that person possess to lead the free world? I’m for a better world and specifically a better America.”

“Forget the looks. Vote for the best and forget the rest. In my opinion, the best is someone that knows fact and solutions, someone that acts quickly and gains respect from the entire global community. America needs someone to prove to the people on chart, like Ross Perot did, why the American people should vote for their next president. In my opinion, I should be looked at very seriously because I am the one to draw lines in sand, based on facts and solution.”

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

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New York University Radio WNYU to Feature 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato

New York, NY – February 21, 2007 – Today, the leader of the Independent Movement in America, 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato, announced that he will be a featured guest on New York University Radio WNYU 89.1, on Thursday at 7:30 pm.

WNYU is doing a special feature on third party and independent candidates for the US presidency.

The show will be hosted by Kristen Brown of WNYU and will be broadcast throughout the greater New York Metropolitan area.

Listeners can listen live tomorrow at 7:30 pm on the World Wide Web by visiting

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

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Imperato for President Recognizes Bush/Afghan for Finally Pointing out the Poppy

West Palm Beach, FL – February 15, 2007 – One year after Daniel Imperato’s first remarks regarding the subject, US President George W. Bush officially acknowledged the presence of the opium poppy as the key to the Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan.

Bush stated that “the United States and our allies will help President Karzai reverse the increase in poppy cultivation that is aiding the Taliban… The Taliban uses drug money to buy weapons — they benefit from this cultivation — and they pay Afghans to take up arms against the government.”

On commenting on the poppy issue, Bush stated, “It’s important, and we’re going to stay focused on the poppy issue.”

What President Bush failed to mention is that Daniel Imperato pointed out this situation going back to his January 5, 2006 press release “Imperato on Bin Laden, Afghanistan, and The Poppy.”

During that release, Imperato stated, “Mark my words once again, that the greatest threat is for al-Qaeda to regain its financial strength, which is directly related to Uncle Poppy. I have addressed this situation in the past, and I stand up for the United States and its people to demand immediate action pertaining to the war chest of Osama Bin Laden’s poppy fields.”

Imperato was further validated by a September 2006 report from the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, and its Chief Antonio Maria Costa, and by the subsequent New York Times article, (Gall, Carlotta. ” Afghanistan’s opium harvest at record levels” New York Times. September 3, 2006.)

Still, the Bush administration provided no action, other than to state that Afghanistan was in danger of becoming a full-fledged “narcotics-state”.

At the time, the UN reported that 92% of the world’s opium was coming from Afghanistan.

After today’s comments by President Bush, Imperato stated the following: “I stand out to today to tell the American people that I had stated that the first mission concerning the invasion of Afghanistan should have been breaking the bank and cleaning out the poppy fields. I congratulate Bush on finally listening to and adhering to my strategy. The only problem is that it’s too late. The poppy has been rebuilt. The Taliban is strong again and Al-Qaeda is in full operation.”

After the heels of Bush’s responses to security in East Africa, and Latin American relations, Imperato asked the American people to see that his knowledge of the world qualifies him to make important decisions for our country.

“I ask the American people to look at the facts and the solutions. I am qualified to prepare America for its future stance on the Middle East , and global policy, because of my knowledge of the world and 30 years experience. I have been able to study the business, religious, and political aspects of the governments and the people of these countries. I bring a very unique experience to the table, and hope to have the opportunity to be put into a debate forum, to discuss the facts and solutions to America’s current problems, and to plan what we need to do now, in order to protect us from tomorrow’s dangers.”

Imperato concluded his remarks with the following: “When I become president in 2008, I will be the first independent president of the USA . I fully believe this is needed, and it’s the right time to elect an independent. Please reflect to the facts, and compare my requests for policy back sometime ago, and then look at all of the politicians that are running in 2008. I will leave it to the people of the USA to make a decision. Who was on the ball when it came to these issues? Who spoke up about them? And whose solutions are finally becoming a partial solution of our president? Thank God Bush is finally listening and I thank the American people for allowing me the opportunity to be their servant.”

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

Daniel Imperato to Appear on the Chuck Harder Radio Show Today at 2pm

Philadelphia, PA – February 2, 2007 – Today, leading Independent Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato will be appearing on “For the People”, Chuck Harder’s Radio show.

The show will be broadcast nationally over the Talkstar Network which encompasses over 100 radio stations across the country, as well as stations in Canada and the Caribbean.
Mr. Harder wants to see JOB’S COME BACK to America. Chuck says, “We have lost 20 million good high- paying jobs as our government encourages factories to move offshore and fire the USA workers. Two government agencies; The Overseas Private Investment Corporations and the USA Agency For International Development actually help factories move. We must bring the factories back so we can have a “value-added” economy and be able to pay our international debts. We are now the world’s largest debtor nation and it used to be the other way around before “Free Trade.”
Imperato, who is gaining strong support with working America, supports a pro-American jobs policy that builds good-paying skilled jobs for working-class Americans.

To Listen Live Click Here or follow this link
If you are unable to listen to the live broadcast follow this link to listen to the pod cast.

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

Leading Presidential Candidate Arrives in Philadelphia and Appeals to Labor and the Start of a Third-Party

Philadelphia, PA – February 2, 2007– Today, Presidential Candidate Daniel J. Imperato arrived today in Philadelphia as part of his national campaign tour.

Imperato will be meeting with area business leaders, local media, and local citizens to rally support for his White House campaign.

“The people of Philadelphia are hard working people, who believe in the American economy and American jobs. My job is to help bring back some of the faith in our economy for our working class people,” stated Imperato.

Imperato was most recently in Washington DC, where he met with key members of organized labor.

Organized labor is a group that has consistently shown the need for a third party, but has instead thrown scattered support to various groups including the Democratic Party and Ralph Nader of the Green Party, both of which have not advanced the cause of labor.

Due to mishaps within the labor party and the rise of Political Action Committees (PAC’s), organized labor has yet to realize a unifying third party that could win the majority of the electorate.

“The need for a third option in America is real. However, we haven’t had one that is able to win. We need a third candidate that American can believe in and vote for. I believe that the Independent Party is that option and I believe that I am the candidate that can show America that an independent can win the majority of the vote,” stated Imperato.
Imperato felt that he understands the position of everyday Americans who have to struggle and work harder to make less.

“I invite the out-of-touch politicians to walk a mile in the shoes of the hard working people of Philadelphia, and of the hard working people across this country. The fact is I come from a very humble background and I’ve walked in the shoes of everyday Americans, and I’m proud of it. In 2008, I am going to keep walking in those shoes, for every man, woman, and child in America, all the way to the White House.”

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

Leading Independent Presidential Candidate Visits Washington D.C.

Washington DC – January 31, 2007 –Independent Presidential Candidate, Daniel J. Imperato will visit the City of Washington D.C. this week, as part of his national campaign.

During his visit, Imperato will meet with the local media, businesses, and political leaders to discuss the issues that are affecting Americans.

Imperato has several media interviews where he will introduce some of his proposals and reforms for a better administration.

In addition, Imperato will reach out for organized labor support to boost the position of labor unions in America, and bring jobs back to the United States. As part of Imperato’s jobs program, he will meet with business leaders to discuss new economic and business initiatives.

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

Presidential Candidate Imperato Meets with Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa

Santa Ana, CA – January 25, 2007 – Today 2008 Independent Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato’s camp announced that he has met with globally renowned Christian Pastor Chuck Smith.

During their meeting the two exchanged the idea on Imperato’s upcoming 2008 presidential run as well as Christianity and its presence in the United States and the world.

Pastor Smith stressed that it was important that America bring morals back to the White House in accordance with the Bible and the Word of God.

Imperato, a spirit-filled Christian who studies the Torah, made only one agreement with Pastor Smith. He pledged his word that he would walk in the Word and restore US Christian morals, values, and principles to the White House.

Imperato feels he is the only choice for Christian Voters in 2008 because he is true to his faith and he endorses a pro-life stance.

Smith is the pastor of the Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, a church with over five hundred affiliate Calvary Chapels across the world with more than thirty-five thousand calling it their home church.

It is one of the ten largest Protestant churches in the United States.

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

Independent Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato Visits with Supporters in Detroit and Cleveland: Also Listen LIVE to Daniel Imperato on WJIM Lansing

Detroit, MI – January 5, 2006 – Today 2008 Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato began rallying his Midwestern base with stops in Detroit in the morning and Cleveland in the late afternoon.

During his visit to the region, Imperato will meet with key supporters, business leaders, and campaign organizers from Michigan and Ohio.

Imperato will also be appearing on WJIM’s “The BIG Show” from Lansing, Michigan Hosted by Michael Patrick Shiels. Listeners can listen live on Friday 6:30am at and join the listeners club.

About Daniel Imperato ( )

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel by adapting them to the international marketplace while bringing financing to their factories for international expansion.
Mr. Imperato brings over thirty years of experience in international business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world.
He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations, independent Non-Governmental Organization, and the founder of The Imperiali Organization ( He has organized a Presidential Committee in order to gather and organize support for a bid to win the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato Mourns the Passing of President Ford

Today, Daniel Imperato, The People’s President, took time to mourn the passing of the 38th President of the United States Gerald Ford.

“President Ford was an important man in the history of our country. He was able to bring stability back to the Oval Office and was the right man for the job in our country’s time of turmoil,” stated Imperato.

Gerald Ford was the only United States President not elected to either the office of President or Vice President. He was appointed Vice President after Spiro Agnew, resigned in 1973, and later became president after the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974.

Ford later pardoned Nixon, a move now judged by historians, as being an act that allowed America to move on from Watergate.

“President Ford was a man of the people. He had great courage to do what was not popular at the time, but what was good for America. As a man who feels for the people, and understands the people, I know the care that President Ford had for this country, which is why today is a sad day in American history, with the passing of such a good man. My best wishes go to his wife Betty, as well as his entire family. I hope that they have comfort during this time and know that their father, grandfather, and husband was a well-loved man of the people.”

About Daniel Imperato ( )

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel by adapting them to the international marketplace while bringing financing to their factories for international expansion.
Mr. Imperato brings over thirty years of experience in international business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world.
He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations, independent Non-Governmental Organization, and the founder of The Imperiali Organization ( He has organized a Presidential Committee in order to gather and organize support for a bid to win the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department, Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato Sends Condolences to Ex-President of South Yemen, Ali Nasser Mohammed and his Family

West Palm Beach, FL – December 27, 2006 – Today, 2008 Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato sent his sincere condolences to Ali Nasser Mohammed and his family for the passing of his brother.

“First of all, I want to send my deepest condolences to Ali Nasser Mohammed and his family for their loss. I hope that they will find comfort and strength in each other and in God.”

Ali Nasser Mohammed is best known as the former President of then South Yemen. Currently he is the Chairman of Strategic Studies for the Arab League.

“Ali Nasser Mohammed is a great man and has a great vision for peace in the region. As he mourns the death of his brother, I wish that he may find great resolve and continue to move forward with all of the good work that he is doing, in spite of such tragedy.”

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

This release was published on openPR.