Breaking News: Cairo, Egypt: Daniel Imperato Saves 4 boys Lives from Massive Car Accident between Cairo and Alexandria

Cairo, Egypt – December 12, 2006 – While on a twilight car ride on the Cairo-Alexandria Road, 60 miles outside Alexandria, Egypt, 2008 US Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato did what any human being would do after seeing an ongoing vehicle flip 3 times in the air. He reacted.

After instructing his driver, Abu Nasser, to pull over, Imperato called the ambulance and flagged down several trucks to beam their lights on the marsh, so that the car and any survivors could be recognized.

Once the car had been identified, ambulance crews spent more than an hour, along with Imperato, before pulling out the 4 boys that were trapped.

The four boys were all able to identify themselves by name and provide home addresses. Of the four boys, three were Muslims and one was Christian.

“I, along with Abu Nasser, send out my prayers to the four boys: Alah, Remon-Salah, Abdul Hamid Ali-Ahmed, and Mohammed Kamel-Salah. I hope that they arrive safely to the hospital and have a speedy recovery.”

According to Imperato, one of the boys appeared to have broken his back; another was bleeding profusely from the side of his face and suffered a major head injury. The other two, except for minor cuts and bruises, were able to walk under their own volition after the accident.

“In times of emergencies, there are no barriers. No one asked whether they were saving Muslims, Christians, or Jews. People only wanted to help save the lives of innocent human beings. In the end, that’s what counts.”

This act clearly demonstrates that “The People’s President” Daniel Imperato can show the world that Muslims and Christians are alike and can be brought together to save human beings. All of this comes on the heels of Daniel Imperato’s call for cease fire and peace in the world.

More coverage on this breaking news item will be featured in the Egyptian Newspaper Messahat, who also arrived on the scene.

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato ( )

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization
( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

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