2008 Presidential Candidate Speaks on Egypt and Praises Mubarak

London, England – December 18, 2006 – After several days in Cairo, Egypt, 2008 Independent Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato commented on the advice he received from his hosts and the understanding that he gained about the people of Egypt and the US expatriates living there.

Imperato said that he found the majority of the people in Egypt want peace. “There is a big is misunderstanding between politics, US foreign policy, and the reality of the Middle East including Egypt. We, the ordinary people, must call out for a peaceful dialog and understanding of each other’s cultures, roots, and religion.”

What most surprised Mr. Imperato, was that the Egyptians celebrate the Christmas season.

“I was touring Alexandria and Cairo and discovered Christmas trees and ginger bread houses everywhere. In fact, there were several on each floor of the hotels. This was moving to me. I hope to tell my fellow Americans about this. We are loved and respected by Egypt and its Christian and Muslim communities.”

Also while in Egypt, Imperato noticed how peaceful the country seemed and commented on the wonderful job being done by Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.

“The United States has a great friend in Egypt and President Mubarak; who has done a great job keeping peace in his country and growing their economy. But most importantly, he has supported his people’s freedom of religion and has ensured that people could celebrate their holidays without religious disputes.”

Imperato went on to praise the Egyptian people for their civil progress.

He then spoke on the growing numbers of US expatriates living overseas.

“I met with US expatriates, Navy personnel who explained that their posts were up and when they went home to the U.S.A.; they weren’t able to get a job. So they returned to Egypt in order to have local work. We must help our military get retrained and have job opportunities when they return home. This is essential.”
In addition, Imperato called it “outrageous” that in some U.S. states the word ‘Christmas’ is becoming a banned or negative word.

“When I was in Egypt, Christmas was a great word. It was the pleasure of the Egyptian community to celebrate Christmas. We have a huge misunderstanding. We are all human beings. Americans must stand up for our great nation and defend peace and give thanks. We need dialog and our leadership has none. That’s why I need your vote in 2008, because I will bring back morals, respect, and revive America.”

About Daniel Imperato (www.daniel2008.com)

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization (www.imperiali.org). Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

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Imperato For President 2008

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