Political Strategist

Imperato’s knowledge and experience of politics around the world are of the highest order. He has worked in Israel and has a strong relationship with the Arab League. He also has strong operative relationships with political leaders and activists in the European Union, Southeast Asia, Asia, Asia Pacific, Africa, and South America.

Relationships between the public, policymakers, and political parties eventually energize the political landscape. Daniel Imperato helps clients make sense of dramatic changes that shift public opinion, alongside arranging virtual events to boost and broadcast causes or candidatures with measurable impact.

Imperato in the course of time acts as your political strategist. His global expertise associated with your activity is designed to promote the interest of activists, politicians, individuals, and groups, to accomplish certain objectives. The eminent goal is achieved by planning campaign strategies, based on extensive analysis of history, and alternative solutions for a variety of issues.

Some of the services imparted by Imperato include senior advisors, consulates, ambassadors to country governments, and leaders. He has also advised the US Government, European Union, World Bank, and the United Nations on numerous occasions.