
Dr. Imperato has tremendous hands-on abilities and training in global business, religious and humanitarian matters. As an honorary appointed doctorate in foreign affairs, inter-religious dialog and humanities set the stage.

As well as a former Latin African Christian association chaplain, NYC regional police chaplain, and an appointed friar.

Dr. Imperato worked with the Japanese and their government to identify and build Japanese cross-cultural schools, as well as with the significant players in China, Singapore, and Southeast Asia.

Dr. Imperato was very involved with middle east business and politics, as well as E.U, Asia, S.A, Central and Latin America., Africa, Russia, Japan, Singapore, Brazil, Argentina, and China.

Dr. Imperato was responsible for developing business partners across south-central and Latin America. As a responsible citizen and a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican.

Daniel Imperato has done many things to help aid and better our country and the world.

Being a strong African activist, Daniel has selflessly dedicated his time to the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), where he served as a trustee.

Daniel continues to help others in need whenever he is required or appointed.