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Family Doctor Arrested On Multiple Child Pornography Charges Including Patients

On February 13, 2023, the Winchester PD and MSP Cyber Crime Unit executed a search warrant at the residence. Ferrick and his parents were present at the time, and all three had been read their Miranda rights and declined to talk to investigators.

As a result of the search, 61 devices containing child pornography were taken from the Winchester home. They included external hard drives, computers, cell phones, hidden camera systems, and SD cards. This led to Ferrick’s arrest and the charging of four state counts related to the possession of child pornography. He was arraigned on Valentine’s Day and given a $50,000 cash bail, which he paid the next day, and was then released to home confinement with various conditions.

Two days later, Ferrick attempted to erase evidence on a device by locking it remotely. This led to another search warrant and the seizing of 11 additional devices from the Winchester residence. Later, an additional eight devices were seized from a residence rented by the defendant in a different Massachusetts city, with all the devices being hidden cameras and USB drives.

The search uncovered particularly disturbing evidence, according to the federal press release. One of the hidden camera devices was designed as a bracelet and contained two secretly recorded videos of Ferrick administering medical exams. Two minors were believed to be patients, audible and partially visible in the videos.

The complaint contained graphic depictions of the various videos and filenames allegedly seized from the doctor, and many of the victims were between 6 and 11 years old. It also included a graphic description of a medical examination performed on a boy who said he was 14 years old.

US Attorney Rachael Rollins stated her disbelief at the situation and encouraged the public to contact the FBI if they had any questions, concerns, or information on this doctor. She also mentioned that the safety of children is the highest priority and that they would be working closely with the medical facilities where Ferrick was employed to identify the scope of his alleged offenses and proceed accordingly and expeditiously.

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