Imperato speaks on Bush, Iraq, and Shia Leader Al-Hakim

Santiago, Chile – December 5, 2006 – U.S. Business Leader and 2008 leading Independent presidential candidate; Daniel Imperato made a brief comment while in Chile upon the recent series of events in the White House.

“I am very concerned and disturbed to think our President has lost Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, lost complete control of the Republican Congress, and has now capitulated on Iraq to merely to put the Democrats in a bad light. This is a partisan outrage! We placed our troops in harms way to get Saddam Hussein out and to keep the Middle East majority of Sunnis confident that Iran would not control region. Now look what President Bush has allowed to happen.””

In a September 7, 2006 press release, Imperato warned that Shiite leader Khatami could lead to a Shia-Iranian infiltration into Iraq.

“What a sad state of affairs. We spent taxpayer’s money, to the tune of $400 billion, sustain losses of our children to depose Saddam and take control of Shia-Iranian influence in the region, which is partly radical sectarian. Now, our President surrenders on the American and Iraqi people and the brave soldiers only to work with a Shia leader.”

Yesterday President Bush met with Sayyed Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, an Iraqi theologian and politician and the leader of the SCIRI (Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq).

The SCIRI and its military wing the Badr Brigade (now called the Badr Organization), has allegedly been responsible for sectarian violence in Iraq including kidnappings, beating and torturing Sunnis Iraqis, as well as political assassinations.

Imperato was also upset that President Bush would not meet in bilateral talks with Iranian Leader Ahmadinejad; yet, he chose to meet with al-Hakim.

This is a man who played a leading role in the Safar Intifada and was exiled to Iran.

While there, he founded the SCIRI, Iraq’s largest political party in the Iraqi National Assembly with deep Iranian-Shia roots.

“These events should lead to censure and possibly Impeachment. The administration’s top policy officials should pay the price,” stated Imperato. “I am offended and outraged our leaders would be so incompetent. A vote for Imperato in 2008 will make a difference. This Republican-Democratic closed system in the U.S.A. is in huge trouble. It has no foreign policy coherence and no discernible diplomacy.”

“Now let our troops out of harms way. This is enough, and enough is enough. Please people our leadership is lost and our troops in trouble. This move by Bush is a disastrous consideration. He is weak and has had his day; now he is on his way out. Please protect our troops and call out for Imperato to meet the Bush Administration to act now before it’s too late. I may have a key to the solution to give the American people a chance in Iraq and the region. Let me try to prove myself through the help of your voices.”

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato ( )

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( ). Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato Heads to Chile on Last Leg of South American Tour

Santiago, Chile – December 4, 2006 – On what has been a very successful tour, Businessman and 2008 United States Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato landed in Santiago, Chile today on the last leg of his South American tour.

Most recently, Imperato was in Buenos Aires, Argentina where he was highly complimented by the Mercosur regional media and people in Buenos Aires for his interest in their concerns.

“I want to thank the people of Argentina for their great hospitality,” said Imperato, “We had an open and honest dialogue about US business and political matters that affect Argentina and South America.”

Imperato also sent a special thank you to Nunzio San Filippo and his family for all of their help.

“God bless the world,” said San Filippo, “We here in Argentina are part of the Americas and would like the recognition and mutual respect of the United States. We need to work on cooperative jobs programs and manufacturing assistance with North America to support the Americas Dream. God Bless the Americas, and the world.”

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato Arrives with Great Reception in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina – December 1, 2006 – Having departed from Rio de Janiero, Brazil, 2008 United States Businessman and Presidential Candidate, Daniel Imperato was welcomed to Argentina with a gracious reception when he landed in Buenos Aires today.
He was met with great admiration by long time friends and representatives from Buenos Aires.
“While other South American countries and their peoples are very displeased with U.S. President Bush,” said Imperato, “the reception in Buenos Aires by the people and the media is really appreciated, since one of my priorities as a 2008 Presidential Candidate is to present a plan to Revive America.”
The local newspapers and radio stations have been waiting for the man that the Buenos Aires media has dubbed Mr. Imperato, ‘The Worldwide People’s President’, because of his focus on compassion and respect for the common people.
Imperato said an interesting comment was made to him upon his arrival, one that he received well.

“I was told that as a charismatic, Catholic-born, spirit-filled Christian, with great knowledge of; and, respect for the Torah, along with business and personal strong ties throughout the Muslim world, that I should not only seek God’s blessing upon the USA but to also to bless the world.”
Through his international experiences, Imperato has gained multicultural knowledge, great respect, and understanding of religious cultures, including their similarities and misunderstandings.
“God is God,” said Imperato, “and there is only One, so we as students and children of God need to be lights of the world as people and especially as leaders.”
“Darkness is surrounding us and we all must seek mutual respect and light through God’s will and our prayers. We as the people of the world can overcome evil doers and can win their hearts and most importantly win their children’s hearts. This can only be done with a leader of the USA with extensive knowledge and respect for all faiths for all people.”
To conclude his remarks, Imperato reaffirmed that his business ethics and faith in God is the reason why he is the right choice for Americans of faith in 2008.
“That is why Daniel Imperato for President 2008 is the right choice in 2008 under God for the good and prosperity of everyone. I hope that the American people see it that way, and I hope I can make a great change in the hearts and spirits of global leaders allowed the opportunities to do so. God bless America and the world.”
About Daniel Imperato ( )

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Independent Presidential Candidate Speaks on Brazil/US relations before departure to Buenos Aires

Rio de Janiero, Brazil – November 30, 2006 – Today 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato spoke on Brazil/US relations before his departure to Buenos Aires.
“While visiting Brazil and meeting with the Brazilians during meetings with politically active people in the country, I encourage Americans to remember their brothers and sisters in Brazil and to recognize that Brazil is the largest country in South America,” said Imperato.

Imperato called out for stronger social and economic relations between the US and Brazil, which has been neglected by previous Presidents’ administrations, and vowed to include it in his priorities when he is elected President of the United States of America.
From a business perspective, Imperato believes that Brazil is ready for a major economic boom and has weathered tough economic times.

“I commend the Brazilian government and Brazilian people for their stamina in navigating through the past turmoil of their government, country, and currency over the past years which have proven to be much more stable with the real. Now I see there is a huge potential growth in the coming future.”

Imperato then suggested that increased manufacturing efforts between the US and Brazil would be one of his first initiatives to bolster bilateral relations.

“I believe the US should utilize its business brains to establish manufacturing facilities collaborated with unionized labor and working programs. The facilities should produce jointly made products between the US and Brazil, capitalizing on labor resources, showing respect, and assisting the poor people in Brazil by giving them a chance to have a future. The effort of a US-Brazil collaboration can compete with the rest of the world with joint-manufactured products and services along with natural resources.”

In the areas of natural resources, Imperato stated that America can learn from Brazil as they have been a global leader in ethanol and flex-fuel cars which has lowered their dependency on gasoline and oil.

“Brazil has shown leadership with ethanol and biofuels as viable and available alternatives. Brazil has led the way for these products to compete in the world’s marketplace in order to curb the oil dependency of the automobile industry in the US and the rest of the world.”

At this point, Imperato called out to the current US administration to start to implement some of his plans.

“It is my opinion that George W. Bush should initiate programs immediately to boost cooperation between the US and Brazil. I am willing to offer my expertise, knowledge, and personal business relations in Brazil to make this happen.”

“We must show the world that America is the hopeful example for the working class Brazilians. Good U.S. and Brazilian relation offer investment opportunity and collaborative manufacturing opportunities which will create new products at reasonable prices to the US, Canada, South America, and rest of the world. I look forward to helping Brazil and promise to Americans of Brazilian descent that I will do my best for their home country’s prosperity in the coming years.”

For Interviews and Media Inquiries Contact:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Serious 2008 Presidential Contender Imperato Speaks out on Iraq, Bush, Dems and Repubs

West Palm Beach, FL – November 22, 2006 – Today 2008 Presidential Candidate Daniel Imperato issued a statement on Iraq, President Bush, and Democrats and Republicans.

“First of all, after the wave of publicity pertaining to the 2006 election and the Democrat takeover of the House and Senate, I have stayed quiet knowingly that my input may have not been heard loudly enough during that hectic time. I must speak today about our administration, George Bush, and the resignation of Rumsfeld specifically after the Democratic win, not before, and why.”

Imperato felt that there was more to the recent Democrat takeover of the house and Senate.

“I believe that our administration has conveniently allowed the Democrats to take over specifically so that our leadership in Washington can place the heat on the Democrats, pull out of Iraq, based on the Democrat recommendation which will lead to huge failure. Ultimately, it will be the Democrats who will be blamed for this.”

In addition, Imperato felt that Rumsfeld was also being used to take the blame for the war in Iraq.

“Following Rumsfeld’s resignation, hanging Rumsfeld for the war in Iraq is completely inappropriate due to the fact that Rumsfeld’s recommendations to the President were not always listened to. Bush did whatever he wanted to do with no regard for the messages and reports delivered from his military leaders and Rumsfeld. Bush did it on his own and stayed on the course and disregarded all advice from the military and foreign leadership in the Middle East.”

According to Imperato, Rumsfeld was not the only person to blame for the deterioration of US relations abroad.

“The deaf eared president has now hung Rumsfeld who will be held for war crimes when in fact the biggest mistake made was the decision to have Condoleezza Rice, as Secretary of State, deal with Middle East policy and diplomacy that has been destroyed not only in the Middle East but in the rest of the world. The person that is responsible for our international relations is Condoleezza Rice. She will be held responsible for the destruction of foreign relations and the lack of diplomacy around the world unless in fact the secret comes out that Vice President Cheney acted inappropriately and may be charged for violating foreign corrupt practices act through association.”

Imperato also suggested that Hillary Clinton could be receiving support for her 2008 White House bid from the current administration.

“Condoleezza Rice could replace Cheney’s seat as Vice President earmarking the Bush administration’s desire to support Hillary Clinton’s democratic bid for the White House, and positioning Jeb Bush for 2012. These disgraceful acts have lead to overall destruction around the world pertaining to the credibility of our nation and our leadership.”

Because of the deterioration of international relations, Imperato commented that Bush is now trying to forge whatever ties he can at this point. This situation could be dangerous for the United States.

“We now have a president running around the globe trying to make friends with Russia, Vietnam, and Indonesia, of which I believe could be decisions made based upon a huge strain on his back pertaining to this credibility. I hope and pray that these decisions are not taken on the same pretext that Bill Clinton took the decision to send his missiles to East Africa and Afghanistan. WOW what a mess.”

“In addition the people of the USA should know that the Dems and Repubs are so mixed up they don’t even know what day it is in Iraq. The fact of the matter is that we must cease fire immediately, withdraw our troops, and keep our troops at our military bases. The stability will deteriorate without additional military support put in place at our base in Iraq during our cease fire.”

However, Imperato chose to save his negotiation tactics for future press releases on how he would negotiate the US position in Iraq and how he would win the war in Iraq and bring stability back to our country and most importantly to our troops.

Imperato concluded his statement with the following remarks, “I am calling out the people to vote for me the Independent People’s President. After hearing last night all over the news that we can’t win in Iraq, I am not only disgusted, but appalled that our troops are on the ground fighting with our government and leadership of Dems and Repubs basically throwing in the towel. This has to affect the morale of our troops and most importantly their security. I call on our administration to call on me and give me an opportunity to voice my opinion and stake my claim to what I believe could lead to a negotiated peaceful settlement in the Iraq conflict and eventually Afghanistan and the rest of the region.”

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

About Daniel Imperato (

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato para el presidente del 2008 nombra Kush y se asocia con nuevos consejeros politicos

Nueva York – 16 de noviembre del 2006 – Hoy, Imperato para el presidente 2008 anuncio que ha firmado a Kush y asociados, una firma que consultaba política con las oficinas en Nuevo-Jersey y New México, para el trabajo consultivo político con la campaña presidencial de Daniel Imperato.

Recientemente, la firma de Kush trabajabó con un republicano que buscaba el nombramiento 2008. Antes de eso Kush y los asociados trabajaron con candidatos politicos, y consejeros en el estado y las razas locales a través del país. La firma tiene experiencia internacional en ayudar a traer el monumento “a la lucha contra el terrorismo del mundo” al río de Hudson. El monumento es un regalo de la gente de Rusia a América.

Los asociados, dirigidos por Steve Kush, dirigirán la gerencia de la campaña, la organización de los pueblos y recolecta para la campaña de Imperato.

Cotizaron un portavoz de Imperato diciendo, “traer Steve Kush y su grupo agrega un pedazo importante a nuestra campaña. Somos la única campaña presidencial independiente seria hacia fuera allí y más y más gente está comenzando a dares cuenta de eso. Trabajando con Steve, podemos conseguir definitivamente ese mensaje hacia fuera.”

Recientemente, Imperato para el presidente 2008 concentro nuevamente sus esfuerzos en conocimiento y recolecta nacional. La adición de Kush y asociados ajusta dentro de ese plan.

Para El Contacto De las Investigaciones De los Medios:
Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

Sobre Daniel Imperato (

Daniel nació en Boston, Mass (1958), y comenzó su carrera del negocio en 1977 que transformaba las instalaciones de fabricación en Israel y las adaptaba al mercado global junto con llevar el financiamiento a las fábricas para la extensión global. Daniel tiene sobre treinta años de experiencia en la planificación y el desarrollo global de empresas y tiene relaciones personales en los altos niveles alrededor del mundo. Él es actualmente un caballero Papal con honores del Vaticano, era un miembro del Consejo para la fundación centro africana, un NGO de Naciones Unidas, y el fundador de la organización de Imperiali ( Actualmente, él ha organizado a comité presidencial para organizar la ayuda para un funcionamiento en la casa blanca en 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato For President 2008 Names Kush and Associates as New Political Advisors

New York – November 16, 2006 – Today, Imperato for President 2008 announced that it has signed Kush and Associates, a political consulting firm with offices in New Jersey and New Mexico, for political advisory work with Daniel Imperato’s presidential campaign.

Most recently, the firm was working with a Republican seeking the 2008 nomination. Prior to that Kush and Associates has worked with and advised political candidates in state and local races across the country. The firm has international experience in helping to bring the monument “To the Struggle Against World Terrorism” to the Hudson River. The monument is a gift from the people of Russia to America.
Kush and Associates, headed by Steve Kush, will handle campaign management, grassroots organization and fundraising for the Imperato campaign.
An Imperato spokesman was quoted as saying, “Bringing Steve Kush along with his group adds a major piece to our campaign. We are the only serious independent presidential campaign out there and more and more people are starting to realize that. Working with Steve, we can definitely get that message out.”
Recently, Imperato for President 2008 has refocused its efforts on fundraising and national awareness. The addition of Kush and Associates fits within that plan.
About Daniel Imperato (

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Press Department
Imperato For President 2008

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass (1958), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, was a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO, and the founder of Imperiali Organization ( Presently, he has organized a Presidential Committee in order to organize support for a run at the White House in 2008.

This release was published on openPR.

Daniel Imperato, expreso sus preocupaciones con la fricción entre los Estados Unidos, Irán y el presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Mientras que atendía a la Asamblea General de la O.N.U, 2008 el candidato presidencial Independiente, Daniel Imperato, expreso sus preocupaciones con la fricción entre los Estados Unidos, Irán y el presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Nueva York, NY – de septiembre el 22 de 2006 – “invito hoy a la gente americana a que se den cuenta de que las relaciones vigorosas y agotadoras entre Irán y presidente Ahmadinejad están en un curso de la no-reconciliacio’n. Esto es basada sobre una multiplicidad de maniobras estratégicas intertwined por nuestro presidente George W. Bush y presidente Ahmadinejad.”
Imperato llamó para que los E.E.U.U. consideren todas las soluciones potenciales a la situación iraní.

“Invito a nuestra gente a reflejar el acuerdo considerado por Irán de ser permitido para desarrollar la tecnología nuclear para los propósitos de la electricidad solamente debajo del perro guardián de Rusia. Mientras que no convine con la solución, veo ahora que habría podido ser una opción, que no se ha jugado hacia fuera, que podría tener conducir a una negociación pacífica, y una cara a la reunión de la cara entre los E.E.U.U. y el Irán.”

Imperato se sentía que equivocaciones incurridas en inexacto por nuestra administración, especialmente cuando nuestro presidente, George W. Bush y nuestra administración presidente público e incorrecto acusado Ahmadinejad como terrorista y asesino americano, eran la raíz de nuestros problemas con presidente Ahmadinejad.

“Invito a gente americana a mirar detrás mis declaraciones hechas en el lanzamiento de prensa de octubre el 19 de 2006 en que nuestro presidente George W. Bush etiquetó inadecuado a nuevo presidente Ahmadinejad como un terrorista y asesino americano. Dos semanas más adelante, él dijo que pudo haber habido un error y que han acusado a persona incorrecta. Éstos son tipos de equivocaciones incurridas en por nuestra administración sin pensamiento o la cortesía, con respecto el etiquetado de un líder inadecuado, equivocadamente, y sin apología. Éste era el principio del desastre de la dirección fijada contra Irán y nuestra administración.”

Imperato se sentía que Irán debe tener un programa civil de la energía nuclear para los propósitos de la electricidad en la luz del hecho que cercano por la India y Paquistán ya ha desarrollado tecnología nuclear.

“Mientras que creo que Irán merece capacidad nuclear para producir la electricidad para su gente, también entiendo que debe haber el limpiar de las capacidades de sus capacidades nucleares por la AIEA. También convengo que muchos de los otros programas nucleares se deben limpiar y atender a también. No es justo tener su vecino tener capacidades nucleares cuando usted no puede producir capacidades nucleares, porque ésa no es igualdad.”

Además, Imperato también llamó para que Ahmadinejad detraiga sus declaraciones recientes sobre Israel.

“Invito a presidente Ahmadinejad a detraer su declaración sobre limpiar Israel del mapa y a perdonarlo para su lengua inadecuada que le ha dado publicidad enorme. No creo que su corteza es tan feroz y tan despiadada como suena. Creo que él es un del ser humano y necesita ser tratado como de humano.”

Con un programa del policía del paraguas, Imperato discutió cómo sus planes unir la India y Paquistán para trabajar pacífico junto referente a su programa nuclear.

“Cuando gane la carrera 2008, una de mis recomendaciones será considerar una solución pacífica triangular al programa nuclear en la región con la AIEA y el EL-Baradei del UN. Planeo en hacer esto con una política del paraguas para ensamblar la India y Paquistán bajo programa de la unidad para mirarse colectivamente programa nuclear pacífico y fielmente. Esto demostrará a resto del mundo que la India y Paquistán pueden trabajar juntos en común para la paz en la región, perteneciendo a su programa nuclear que trabaja juntos para desarrollar cohesivo sus programas.”

Imperato concluyó, “que el desarrollo que ensambla sería triangular. El perro guardián para el programa iraní permitiría colectivamente a intercambio triangular entre Paquistán, la India e Irán debajo del paraguas desarrollar pacífico la energía nuclear para los propósitos de la electricidad para sus países y para la región. Bajo esta política, cada país mira el otro, y la AIEA mira los tres. Esta manera demostramos a mundo que tres partidos, Irán, la India, y Paquistán, pueden trabajar juntos pacífico para desarrollar su infraestructura de acuerdo con la ley y las intenciones del desarrollo pacífico de sus programas.”

For More Inquiries:
El Departamento Imperato Para El Presidente 2008

Sobre Daniel Imperato (
Daniel nació en Boston, Mass (1958), y comenzó su carrera de negocios en 1977 el transformaba las instalaciones de fabricación en Israel, y las adaptaba al mercado global junto con sostener el financiamiento de las fábricas para la extensión global. Daniel tiene sobre treinta años de experiencia en la planificación y el desarrollo global de empresas y tiene relaciones personales en los altos niveles alrededor del mundo. Él es actualmente un caballero Papal con honores del Vaticano, era un miembro del Consejo para la fundación de centro africana, un NGO de Naciones Unidas, y el fundador de la organización de Imperiali ( Actualmente, él ha organizado a un comité presidencial para organizar la ayuda para un funcionamiento en la casa blanca en 2008. Para El Contacto De las Investigaciones De los Medios:

This release was published on openPR.

El proximo Presidente de América, Daniel Imperato, boleta Independiente

Mientras que en un viaje global, el Sr. Imperato se ha tomado el tiempo para dirigirse a la gente americana de nuevo con su posición respecto a Iraq. “esta declaración debe servir como punto del recordatorio de mi mensaje pasado, perteneciendo a la colocación coreana con respecto a Kim Jong Il de Corea del norte que estalla una bomba en la Ki-Luna de la interdicción del día sintió bien al secretario general siguiente de la O.N.U.

Es obvio que la secretaria Rice aprueba la solución diplomática y va junto con China para la disposición de la O.N.U y del banco mundial a apoyar los mil millones que irán al Koreas y al $900-billion-rich China. Imperato entonces indico la situación que hay en Iraq así como el hecho de que él tiene una solución a la situación actual.

“Marque mis palabras, perteneciendo de nuevo a la estrategia siguiente que se ha jugado hacia fuera en Iraq y marque mis palabras que yo, Daniel Imperato, tengo las soluciones que son ‘ subsistente a el simple pertenecer y él básico ,’ a contener la violencia en Iraq, y ganar el control trasero de la situación de Iraq y de Afganistán y restablecer él respecto de los E.E.U.U..”

“Hablaré hoy sobre la disposición muy simple que ha estado jugando hacia fuera en Iraq. La dirección iraquí, presidente Maliki, fue designada con la bendición de nuestra secretaria Rice de Condoleezza del estado, que a propósito es nuestra secretaria del estado después de todos y cuando la diplomacia y la guerra han fallado, ella debe tomar el mismo calor que ha estado viniendo abajo en Rumsfeld. Para no mencionar a nuestro presidente George W. Bush, que sabía que Maliki era Shiia. Él no realizó el enlace entre Shiia e Irán e Iraq junto con la correlación y el respecto al partido de Baath de Saddam Hussein.”

Imperato se siente que una vez que los E.E.U.U. ponga sucesos actuales juntos podrán considerar la estrategia de Irán en el movimiento.

“Les recuerdo el reciente viaje a los Estados Unidos por el líder iraní anterior Khatami, que satisfizo con George Bush y mencionó su preocupación y su aversión de la dirección total en Irán. Él llegó coincidentemente a Washington a la vez que el líder de Iraq Maliki hizo un aviso que si Iraq no podría manejar las dificultades de su pais.Porque pondría su país básicamente para que la oferta internacional asumiese el control. Después de la visita de Khatami a los E.E.U.U. para dar masajes a George Bush, Maliki fuera a Irán a resolver con Ahmadinejad.

Dos Shiia reunieron e hicieron los planes para el primer paso de la toma de posesión de Irán y el control de Shiia de Iraq? ¿Ahmadinejad le tomo la delantera a George Bush convenientemente colocando Maliki e Iraq para hacer amigos y para representar los E.E.U.U. mientras que su enlace verdadero era Shiia y Ahmadinejad?

“Marquen mis palabras; Ahmadinejad le tiene tomada la delantera a los E.E.U.U. y el resto del mundo porque Irán acaba de asumir el control convenientemente la ciudad meridional de Amarah, que es el primer paso de la toma de posesión al lado de Irán con el control de Shiia y el retiro de las tropas de los E.E.U.U.. Para concluir su declaración, Imperato impulsó a americanos apoyar sus esfuerzos para América.

“Bush está arqueando para ejercer presión y mira como él está comenzando a mirar el corte y a observar el panorama pero, yo, Daniel Imperato, tengo una solución factible para parar la sangre Invito a gente para conceder sobre mí la oportunidad de representar la gente de los E.E.U.U. y el resto del mundo antes de su demasiado atrasado. Yo también invito a la gente americana a poner a nuestra secretaria del estado Condoleezza Rice bajo mismo escrutinio y el fuego que nuestro presidente y secretaria de la defensa están debajo, después de todo, ella está desempeñando el papel diplomático de nuestro país, y ella ha fallado completamente.

For More Inquiries:
El Departamento Imperato Para El Presidente 2008

Sobre Daniel Imperato (
Daniel nació en Boston, Mass (1958), y comenzó su carrera de negocios en 1977 el transformaba las instalaciones de fabricación en Israel, y las adaptaba al mercado global junto con sostener el financiamiento de las fábricas para la extensión global. Daniel tiene sobre treinta años de experiencia en la planificación y el desarrollo global de empresas y tiene relaciones personales en los altos niveles alrededor del mundo. Él es actualmente un caballero Papal con honores del Vaticano, era un miembro del Consejo para la fundación de centro africana, un NGO de Naciones Unidas, y el fundador de la organización de Imperiali ( Actualmente, él ha organizado a un comité presidencial para organizar la ayuda para un funcionamiento en la casa blanca en 2008. Para El Contacto De las Investigaciones De los Medios:

This release was published on openPR.

Imperato honra a nuestros soldados en el día de los veterano

Los Ángeles, CA – Noviembre:10 del 2006 – Hoy, el candidato presidencial Independiente para el 2008 Daniel Imperato, se tomó la oportuidad hoy para honrar a nuestros soldados en el día del veterano.

“Primero que todo, quisiera decir que si no fuera por los hombres y mujeres valientes que sirven a este país, nosotros hoy no estaríamos aquí para celebrar la libertad que gozamos a diario. Nuestros soldados han sacrificado sus vidas para proporcionar la libertad y la democracia a este país; y por eso sestamos eternamente agradecidos, “Imperato comento.

Imperato también anunció la preparacion de un programa que beneficie directamente a soldados de los E.E.U.U. y a sus familias.

“Es que debemos honrar a nuestros soldados y darles la ayuda verdadera. En un corto plazo anunciaré un programa especial que esta siendo preparado para apoyar a nuestros soldados en las fuerzas armadas. El programa se centrará en dar ayuda en las áreas de las finanzas, de la educación, y del rezo.”

Imperato concluyó su declaración con las observaciones siguientes, “Creo en el soporte de las tropas y ayudarles a ellos y a sus familias con estas épocas difíciles que se estan sufriendo. Nuestros soldados viajan a las tierras extranjeras para proteger nuestra libertad y nosotros lo menos que podemos hacer es mantener nuestros rezos y ayudar a contribuir a su salud, al bienestar, y a su futuro.”

Para El Contacto De las Investigaciones De los Medios:

El Departamento Imperato Para El Presidente 2008

Sobre Daniel Imperato (
Daniel nació en Boston, Mass (1958), y comenzó su carrera del negocio en 1977 el transformaba las instalaciones de fabricación en Israel, y las adaptaba al mercado global junto con sostener el financiamiento de las fábricas para la extensión global. Daniel tiene sobre treinta años de experiencia en la planificación y el desarrollo global de empresas y tiene relaciones personales en los altos niveles alrededor del mundo. Él es actualmente un caballero Papal con honores del Vaticano, era un miembro del Consejo para la fundación de centro africana, un NGO de Naciones Unidas, y el fundador de la organización de Imperiali ( Actualmente, él ha organizado a un comité presidencial para organizar la ayuda para un funcionamiento en la casa blanca en 2008. Para El Contacto De las Investigaciones De los Medios:

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