Religion & Culture

Imperato is a responsible global citizen and has done many things to assist this world to become a better place for humans. He has numerous religious and cultural recognitions to his credit. 

Imperato has spent time in the office of archbishop of the military and vicar of Rome in the Vatican City and was crowned a Papal Knight by the Secretary of State of the Vatican during the time when Angelo Sodano was at the helm. Imperato has hands-on experience and working know-how inside the Holy See.

The Knight of Malta title for Imperato came from the Austrian Vonhapsburg family who recognized and honored his contributions. While the Knight of Malta Coptic Order possesses no territory, it maintains diplomatic relations with many countries worldwide.

The Grand Prior of Orden Bonaria’s title for the USA & Canada for life was granted to Imperato in 2008.  It entitles him to oversee the knights within the region and to join as a foreign affairs representative of the longest global humanitarian organization at the United Nations.

Imperato’s doctorate in the field comes from the Christian University. announced by GOD ministries’ Pastor and founder of the University, Pastor Philips. In a nutshell, he recognized Imperato’s ability as a normal citizen to master the art of congenial living in a world filled with chaos.