6-Year-Old Girl’s Feet Severed in Freak Accident with Seatbelt

The daughter of a state trooper was severely injured in a “terrible accident” involving a seat belt. Six-year-old Aubrey Scaletta was playing with a ratchet strap in the passenger seat of a pickup truck on May 17th when one end of the strap went out the window and got caught around the drive shaft, with the other end looping around Aubrey’s feet. It tightened quickly and, in the process, severed both her feet.

The Virginia State Police Association (VSPA) reported that Aubrey was immediately airlifted to a hospital for a six-hour surgery, where doctors attempted to reattach her amputated feet. 10 News reported, “Both feet seem to be receiving good blood flow after being reattached.”

The VSPA states that Aubrey, the daughter of a state trooper named Daniel Scaletta, will need several surgeries to reattach her tendons and graft skin. As for the medical bills, the VSPA has started an emergency relief fund to help cover the costs of Aubrey’s treatment.

Aubrey’s mother, Lauren Wensel Scaletta, updated her Facebook followers on Thursday that Aubrey had been taken off the ventilator and was breathing on her own. She said Aubrey will be transferred from the Intensive Care Unit to the pediatric floor and undergo surgery for skin grafts on June 9th. The goal is to have her walking with braces and walkers by Christmas.

In addition to the VSPA fund, a separate GoFundMe page has already raised $50,000 for Aubrey’s recovery. The Virginia State Police is asking the public for donations to their fund to help the family with Aubrey’s treatment.

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